OLPC XO Laptop


Last year the students in this course held a fundraiser to buy two XO laptops. These laptops have been designed for use by students in third world countries. They are given to students to take home where in some cases they might be the only source of light. The class kept one laptop and the other was donated to the OLPC program.

The XO contains many innovative features such as daylight visible screens, a flash drive, Mesh networking, and a large collection of pre-installed software.

Poll Everywhere

We just visited Poll Everywhere today, http://polleverywhere.com It is a poll site that public users can vote on a topic that and it updates in real time. People can cast votes by texting using cellphones. Cellphones could be a valuable asset to the classroom. It should be used in a classroom environment.

Cellphones would be more useful if texting would be free or if everyone would have a cellphone to do so.

ICT 12

This class we visited the wolfram Alpha(http://www.wolframalpha.com/) site where detailed information about random things are given. In this site we looked up a binary code according to our seating. My binary code is 01000.

Another site that we visited was Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics), which is a site that gives information about how much traffic there is to a particular site we sign it up to. We signed it up to our gmail account and added it to our blog. We did this by copying a code into our Google Analytics webcode.

Here are other sites

Nicholas Meiers: http://www.ict12nm.blogspot.com/
Lambert Nguyen : http://www.lamchopsict12.blogspot.com/

Class Update

This posting is being made in my ICT class. In this course, I am working with various programming languages, and presently I am exploring the legacy language Pascal. Some of the other languages I will be working with include: Python, visual basic, C++, and Java.

I have a school Googles Apps email address and a Gmail address. I need the Gmail address for some advanced Gogle Apps that aren't part of the education set.
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